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What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag: Packing List for Mom

You’ve been so busy preparing for the big day, and you haven’t had the time to think about what to pack in hospital bag for mom.

Well, here is your chance to get ready! This post will tell you what to pack for your hospital bag for mom.

What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag: Packing List For Mom 2021

Pregnancy is an event that gives excitement and joy to parents. We hold gender reveal parties, baby showers, etc. We make sure the baby crib is already in place. And the baby clothes are already inside the cabinet.

But a pre-baby task that you also need to prioritize is the preparation of your pregnancy hospital bag. It is an important reminder that you should complete packing your pregnancy hospital bag before your due date because the baby can come out sooner than expected.

Excitement and anxiety can affect how you prepare for your childbirth. As much as possible, we want to avoid panic when the mother suddenly has a contraction. When departing to the hospital or birthing center, everything should be ready and organized so everyone will not be in a rush and be panicky, and it would be a smooth ride without leaving important things behind.

What to pack

What to pack in a hospital bag for mom? Put inside your pregnancy hospital bag the essentials for childbirth, especially items that the new mother needs. The hospital or birthing center may provide some essential items, but most mothers like to bring their preferred brands. You need to prioritize their usage to avoid bringing unnecessary ones. Our pregnancy hospital bag checklist is your ultimate guide in what to pack in a hospital bag for moms. Here are the essentials that are needed during labor and postpartum.


It’s better to bring your toiletries. Use the brand that you are used to, especially if you’re sensitive to other brands. Make sure you have a bag or pouch for your toiletries for easy access whenever you need them.

Toothbrush and Toothpaste

You can have long and intense labor and delivery. Inhaling and exhaling while pushing the baby out can make your mouth dry and smelly, so it is better to do oral care after delivery.  It can also bring your self confidence back and gives you motivation to carry out your new role as a mother.

Travel size Deodorant and full-Size Deodorant

Deodorant may come in handy, so you can put the travel-size deodorant in your pocket or the bag. When you need to use it even when you are in bed, feeling the labor pain and contraction, you can access it easily.

Face wash and moisturizer

You can be haggard after enduring labor and delivery. You fresh up and do your skin routine after giving birth. When you have visitors you are confident to interact with them.

Lotion and sunscreen

Dry skin can irritate you, so it is good to maintain your skin even in your hospital room. It is not bad to put on lotion and sunscreen.

Wipes and hand sanitizer

The hospital provides wipes and sanitizer but if you want your preferred brand, bring them with you. Your hand sanitizer may come in handy where you can find it easily when you need it.

Slippers and Robe

Bring your slippers because your physician might ask you to walk around during labor. During postpartum, you may feel your energy has been drained. Getting dressed is not your priority because you prefer to lie down and rest. A robe is the easiest and comfortable to wear. You can wear a robe when you feel cold. And you may wear a robe if you are not comfortable with what you are wearing when you have visitors.

Bonus Tip

It is also important to choose the right hospital bag. Your hospital bag should be functional with a lot of compartments so you can organize your essential items. And you would know where you put them. It should also be easy to carry and has space for the essentials.


Preparedness is significant in every journey of our life. Becoming a parent is a new phase, and that is what we are preparing for all our lives.

Each person has their way and phase in preparing for something significant. We can give you a list as your guide and give you bits of advice, but it is up to you if you follow them and what works for you. The most important thing is you are comfortable and fully ready for your new role as a mother. After giving birth, you focus on your baby and you are able to enjoy your moments together.

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