Knowing how to find a nanny is one of the difficulties that many families encounter while looking for the ideal match for their home. Although an internet search will yield a wide range of results, it is a good idea to know exactly who you are hiring and what makes them a good candidate to bring into your life when it comes to entrusting a person with your children.
There are several ways to go about finding a great nanny that fits perfectly into your household and lifestyle such as:
- Word of mouth from friends
- Hiring a nanny agency
- Finding a private nanny
- Caregiver directories
One of the most popular ways that families find nannies is by asking the people that they know about their nannies and how they came about finding them. In some instances, the friends found the nanny through a reputable nanny agency, or the nanny was available through an online platform.
However, just because your friend’s nanny was great for them, that nanny may not be great for your family. Personalities may conflict. Parenting styles could collide. A nanny is not a one size fits all approach. It’s an exceptionally crafted custom match-making process that differentiates a long-term placement from one that has a high turnover.
What a Professional Nanny Is
In order to find the perfect nanny for your needs and the needs of your household, it is wise to get an understanding of what a true nanny is, and what they are not.
A nanny is not a maid or a housecleaner or a janitor. Although they will help to prepare meals and clean up after the children there is much more to the responsibility of a nanny than cooking and cleaning.
If families are interested in a nanny that also serves as a family house manager, additional household duties could be negotiated in the working agreement. If families are interested in a nanny that also serves as a family house manager, additional household duties could be negotiated in the working agreement.
Most professional nannies get an education and do a lot of learning in order to get an in-depth understanding of the way that children behave and how to handle them. It is not uncommon for a nanny to have a degree in child development, nutrition, or even psychology.
In addition to extensive education, the nanny could be:
- A certified nanny through a reputable organization
- Certified for newborn and infant care
- Certified in CPR and first aid
- Certified in child care training
A nanny can be responsible for a number of things within a household and be willing to do all of their tasks with a cheerful heart. In addition to cooking and cleaning a nanny can be a chauffeur, a personal assistant for the family, a listening ear, a teacher, a friend, and a dedicated extension of the family. Whatever it takes to help the kids live healthy, balanced, and productive lives even though they have busy parents is what a nanny will do on a daily basis.
What to Look for in a Nanny Search
Anyone with a basic understanding of the internet may make an online profile that appears fantastic and present themselves as a nanny. To a person who is unsure of what to look for when hiring and sourcing a professional nanny, it is important to take a minute to step back and think about the information at hand rather than immediately selecting what seems to be a good option.
- Is the nanny fully-vetted with proof?
- Are they willing to get a background check and DMV clearance?
- What kind of professional experience do they have working with children?
- Do references align?
- What do other families say about the nanny?
- Does this nanny have the backing of a solid agency?
Make sure the person you are hiring has no criminal history in order to protect your family’s security and the security of your home. Even though not everyone who has had difficulties is a horrible person, it is wise to thoroughly research anyone you intend to invite into your house and around your family.
It is also important to remember that just because a person does not have a criminal history does not mean they are not capable of doing crimes. This is why it is crucial to understand how other families and people view a potential nanny. In addition to the criminal background check, a reputation check is just as important.
Nanny Material
When looking for the perfect nanny there are some things that are important to consider when evaluating whether or not the person you are checking out is actually “nanny material.” It takes a certain type of person to be a great nanny and if the person is lacking in these characteristics, they may not be a good fit.
A great nanny will be:
- Kind
- Attentive
- Reliable
- Compassionate
- Patient
- Trustworthy
- Positive
- Adaptable
Children need the kind of person that is going to show them the great things about themselves without harsh or inpatient treatment. They need a person that will watch over them diligently with firmness, but also with compassion and love.
The nanny that wants to actually engage with your children as opposed to merely watching them is the one that could prove to be most beneficial to your child(ren)s development.
When you are searching for your nanny, look for ones that people talk about using positive adjectives such as loving, caring, responsible, punctual…and so on.
The difference between hiring a nanny that just wants a job and hiring a nanny that loves what they do is beyond comparison. The most viable sure way to find a nanny is through an agency. Doing it alone comes with a lot of risk, and time.
Nanny Agencies
Just like any other industry in the world, the nanny industry is full of places that are out for the money. Their primary objective is to match you with one of their Nannies as quickly as possible so that they can make their money and close the file.
If you choose to use an agency, take the time to get to know who you are working with and allow yourself to form a relationship with them, if possible. The truth is that if a nanny agency is looking out for your best interests instead of their own, they will provide you with all of the support necessary in order to connect with a nanny that will be the best option for your family and your needs.
A nanny agency that cares will provide:
- Insight into their professional background and experience
- Fully-vetted nannies
- A chance to meet and get to know the nanny
- A trial time for the nanny in real life
- A quality selection of service options
- Extensive services that help you find your match
If you find a nanny agency that is willing to establish a working trial experience for you and your nanny at no extra charge, you may have found yourself a great agency. The best way to get to know a nanny is to allow them to work in your home, under real circumstances, and see how they act and operate around your home and your children.
Some of the higher-quality nanny agencies will provide you with a family portal where you can communicate with hand-selected prospective nannies.
- Quickly Express interest in candidates, and decline candidates.
- Easily access candidate profiles, experience, and full transparency into vetting documents and professional resource verification with detailed notes and feedback.
A skilled agency is going to provide 2-4 hand-selected candidates for families to consider that meet their personal preferences. A respected agency will prevent families from feeling overwhelmed in their search and provide them with only the highest caliber of prospective candidates that check all of their boxes. Serving with a quality over quantity approach in every situation.
When the agency places the perfect candidates in front of you, and you’ve determined they are your perfect match, you will be able to proceed with the next step; an in-person interview. When you meet a person face-to-face it is a great way to get a feel for their energy and decide whether or not you like it enough to move to the next phase.
Nanny Agencies vs. Lone Nannies
In all actuality when you hire a nanny through a reputable agency they will most likely be pre-vetted and screened for professional experience and proper education. If you choose a nanny through a web platform or other source that does not have the backing of a reputable agency, you never know what you’re going to get.
If you choose to take a route that does not involve a nanny agency, families should exercise the steps of pre-vetting, background checks, and screening to ensure safe placement.
A highly-esteemed nanny agency will take the time to take a comprehensive look at the nanny and the origin of the nanny’s experience. Where anybody can claim to be a nanny because they babysat for the neighbors when they were young, the agency will only allow people that have a proven track record and professional experience as a nanny to be a part of their options.
An agency will provide background checks, reference checks, professional verification, and many other security checks to see if the person is actually a nanny and a viable person that a family can trust with their kids.
The best way to find the perfect nanny is to use all of the available resources that you have to take a close look at any potential candidates that you may come across. Most of the time, unless you actually know a person that can lead you in the right direction, it is best to find an agency that has a great reputation and allow them to help you find exactly who you are looking for.